Six months of progress for the Anti-Racism Data Committee

A different way of doing things

We’ve heard from many Indigenous and racialized people that they are being left behind because our services weren’t designed with them in mind.

The committee was created to collaborate with government on how we can safely use personal information to identify and eliminate systemic racism in our programs and services. To support this work, the committee also provided advice on the BC Demographic Survey. This survey will help to make B.C. a more equitable province.


Experience meets expertise

Committee members are from a wide-cross section of racialized communities and geographic regions of B.C.

Members are bringing their diverse expertise and lived experiences to this work. This rich lens is helping government to ensure that the implementation of the Anti-Racism Data Act is informed by racialized communities, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis people.

Did you know?

The Anti-Racism Data Committee was created as part of the Anti-Racism Data Act.